Remnants of Summer

Yesterday I went in search of Spring.  And came home with the remnants of Summer.

I did find evidence of the new season, but what really caught my attention was the beauty of the plant fruits from last summer.  It was as if Mother Nature was purposely making them hang on in there until Spring boldly marches in to replace them with fresh new beauty.   Such is the annual cycle.

It seems appropriate to me to show full appreciation for the beauty of last summer, autumn and winter, before getting completely wrapped up in the joyful new splendour about to spring upon us.

Enigma and Colleagues

Enigma & Co

Enigma and Colleagues

This shot was taken on a chilly February Sunday afternoon, and is one of a series of photos focusing on canals, lakes and waterways.  The boats are all in their winter rig and looking colourful, however, it was the reflections in the water that made it for me.

Spring Flowers

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections

Spring snowdrop and crocus reflection – the sheer visual beauty and fragility of these early flowers is in complete contradiction of the fact that they are able to stoically push their way up through the earth whilst it is still frozen and often snowy, to create amazing carpets of colour heralding in the new Spring season.

Handmade Eggcups

These beautiful handmade wooden eggcups were made by my younger daughter on a woodworking lathe – she made them especially to give to me as a gift for my birthday earlier this month.  I love them and they reflected really well in the shots I took of them today.